Kate Can Help With
The La Crosse Public Library Community Resource Specialist works directly with community members needing social service assistance by providing information, support, and connections to local organizations that address food and housing insecurity, provide family support, medical care, and workforce development.
- SNAP & Medicaid applications
- SSI/SSDI applications & recertification
- Locating medical, mental health, & substance abuse treatment
- Housing applications, resources, & referrals to housing organizations
- Food pantry, meal, shelter, shower, & laundry linkage/referral
- Updating a resume, applying for jobs, & referral to workforce development
- Older adult questions related to insurance, housing, & in-home supports
- Domestic Violence/IPV service linkage/referral
- Legal aid, immigration & re-entry linkage/referral
Contact the Help Desk to schedule an appointment, or contact Kate directly via text (608.461.2970) phone (608.789.8094) or email kmcnamer@lacrosselibrary.org